"" Foodcodirectory: List of Brazil Food Importers Distributors Wholesalers

List of Brazil Food Importers Distributors Wholesalers

List of Food Importers Distributors Wholesalers in Brazil

MBR Company
Ed. The One Office Tower
Av. Cassiano Ricardo, 601 – CJ 32 – Jd. Aquarius 
São José dos Campos - SP/Brasil
CEP 12.246-870
Phone: +55 (12) 3346-3996
       +55 (12) 3206-7014

Food importers and distributors in Brazil. Importer and distributor of fresh fruits and other eatable products for retailers and distributors in Brazil.

La Pastina Importadora
 Av. Presidente Wilson, 1866 - 
Ipiranga, São Paulo - 
SP, 03107-001, Brazil
Phone: +55 11 3383-9300
         (11) 4003-4866

Food distribution company in Brazil. Exclusive import and distribution of world-renowned food brands in Brazil.

Santar Comércio de Gêneros Alimentícios
Rua Benjamin de Oliveira, 
389 - Brás - São Paulo - Brazil 
Phone: +55 11 3327-1000

Food and beverage company in Brazil. Importer and Distributor of Beverages and Food Products.

Europa Importadora
R Montevideu, 500
Rio De Janeiro 21020-290
Tel: (21) 3976-4012 | 3976-2714

European Food importers in Brazil.

Main Office: 
São Paulo, Brazil
Distribution Centre:
Anhanguera Highway
Tel: (11) 3623-2288

Food and beverage importers and distributors. Brazilian family-owned company importing and distributing premium, international and leading food and beverage brands.

C-Trade Gourmet
Sao Paulo
Rua Otávio Tarquínio de Sousa, 
584 - Campo Belo - Cep 04613-000
Tel: (11) 3791-3270
Rio De Janerio
Av. Das Américas, 4,200 - Block 9 - Room 122 B 
Barra da Tijuca - Cep 22640-907
Tel: (21) 3385-4537

Food distributors in Brazil. Import and national distribution of diverse food products. Product range includes  Olive Oil, Hard Granola Pasta, Rice, Flours, Tomatoes, Sauces, Preserves and Condiments, Truffles and more.

Calimp Importadora
Al. Oceania, 85 Business Center Tamboré 
Santana de Parnaíba / SP - 
Brazil CEP: 06543-308
Tel: +55 (11) 4152-6161 / 4118-6161

Food importer and distributor in Brazil.

Tradal Brazil
Street Arthemio Dionizio da Costa, nº 98 
Condominium Pólo Industrial de Jandira II 
Zip Code: 06612-280 - Jardim Alvorada - Jandira/SP
Tel: (55.11) 3648.4848  
Fax: (55.11) 3648.4849

Distributors of Food Ingredients.

Atlântica Foods
Rua José Storani, 75 - Conj. 501 
CEP 13209-081 
Jundiaí - São Paulo - Brazil
Phone : +55 (11) 4586-1226

Importer of raw materials for the food industry supplying range of products, such as pulps, concentrates, fruit by-products, nuts.

Rua Javari, 219 - Mooca
São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Tel: +55 11 2799-0422

Food importer and distributor in Brazil.

Central Foods Ltda
R Sônia Ribeiro 63
São Paulo, São Paulo 04621010
Phone: +55 11 5186-8686

Food distributor in Sau Paulo, Brazil.

Gourmand Alimentos​
Rua Funchal, 538, conj. 73 a 75
Vila Olimpia Cep. 04551 - 060
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Tel e Fax: (55 11) 3842 - 5050 

Food importer and distributor in Brazilian market.

Sandeleh Alimentos
Rod. Raposo Tavares, s/n - 
Inhayba, Sorocaba - SP, 
18108-240, Brazil
Phone: +55 15 3336-8666

Canned food importer and distributor in Brazil importing from South America, Europe and Asia.

U.S. Food Distributors: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN |  IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA |MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC |  ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY | Los Angeles | San Francisco | Washington D.C. | 

Asian: Chinese | Filipino | Japanese | Korean | Thai | CA | FL | GA | HI | IL | MA | MD | Midwest | NJ | NY | NV | NC | OH | PA | TX | VA | WA |
Mexican: AZ | CA | FL | GA | IL | Midwest | NM | NJ | NY | NV | NC | OH | PA | TX | WA |
European: British | East European | French | German | Greek | Polish | Spanish | CA | FL | IL | PA |
African: CA | FL | GA | IL | MD | NJ | NY | PA | TX | Italian: CA | FL | IL | MA | Midwest | NJ | NY | OH | PA |
U.S. C-Store Distributors: ALL | AL | AR | CA | CO | DE | FL | GA | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | MD | MI | Midwest | MN | MS | MO | NE |New England | NJ | NM | NY | NC | OH | OK | PA | TN | TX | VA | WA | WV | Western U.S. | WI |

FoodCoDirectory is a comprehensive and well maintained, directory with lists of wholesale food distributors supplying to restaurants, grocery stores, food service operators and more. The directory includes list of broadline and ethnic / specialty food distributors as well as produce distributors. The lists are constantly added as well as refined.